Are you Awake or Saved by Jesus Christ?

There is much injustice and evil happening in our world. There is so much information out there, too much for one person to handle, and the more we feed on this darkness, the harder it is to pray against it. Let’s remember, we never should have known this information, as God designed humankind to only know good, and not evil, but then sin entered into the world and sin infects everyone born into this world. Everyone is condemned and separated from God, and Jesus is the only One who can take away our sin and gift us the righteounsess of God through faith alone in Him.

I was Awake but Lost

I would have said I was awake over a decade ago when I was hugely into new age, but I was dead in my sins. I used to call God the universe. I began writing for a spiritualist, and I’m so glad that her family showed their true colours because it was yet another betrayal when I was just trying to help an elderly lady write her life story. I would wake up every day and do meditation through various breathing techniques, and also Tibetan yoga. I was big into crystals and raising my kundalini. I thought I was happy, but I was dead in my sins. I can’t ever remember being witnessed to, but I do remember people handing me scriptures in the street, and I kept these, not sure of why. Seeds sown I guess.

Guilty of Neglecting God

I am guilty this past three years of spending too much time ‘fighting the system’ by sharing information, exposing evil, yet sharing the gospel with our leaders and others, with the hope that some change will come, and sharing scriptures is always positive, as His word will not return unto Him void, but the Bible is our source of truth and it contains sobering truths, such as these:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lover of God, Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof from such turn away2 Timothy 3:1-5

My husband listens to people like Dave at X22, who talks a lot about Trump and the patriots. He talks like Trump and the patriots are going to bring justice against the satanic injustice going on within our Governments, who are sold out out to non governmental organsiations like the World Economic Forum. He thinks that this evil being exposed is drawing people to Jesus Christ, and while this may be true in part, I also see a lot of awake, but lost people, who are caught up with Q and the ‘great awakening’ that is part of the Q Plan. When Jesus Christ is mentioned, they close up or want to define God in their own way. They do not see their sin or need to be saved. They think that religion is all the same and a message like only Jesus is the way to Heaven is offensive to these people. There is only one God to worship, the God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh who died for us and rose again.

I often listen to And We Know, but there’s still this focus on a great awakening. Awakening to seeing your need for Jesus Christ as Saviour, or awakening to the lie that you have told by your Government. I am just deceiving myself by neglecting God, neglecting my time in prayer, and neglecting my care toward others when the only solution is the gospel and yet I never heard the gospel being taught clearly by And We Know. Neither by Dayz of Noah. Neither by UK Column.

Then there are Christians who still believe the mainstream narrative of Covid, believing that these gene therapy jabs are saving them, and others, and it is organisations like the Church of England that are blindful, do not know the enemy, that Satan appears as an angel of light, and are providing no warnings for born again believers who are being deceived every day. Organisations like the Church of England are certainly not being blessed by God, as they are against the Word of God. They cannot define a female, they are pushing the transgender agenda, and they accept homosexuality as normal. They are not exposing against the evil, as they should. They are willingly accepting doctrines of demons. In all of the Church of England churches that my husband and I have attended, it’s the same words being spoken by everyone in the church from one book, then the eucharist, then a 15 minute sermon, usually on the Gospel of Matthew. There is no depth in the Word of God. It’s more about rituals than growth with God. And there are a lot of female vicars, which again is against the Word of God, and God is not going to bless rebellion. 

Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry2 Timothy 4:2-5

The Holy Spirit, through the Church is here to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement. It is easier for most Christians to go along with the crowd, to never tell a lost religious person about Jesus Christ, knowing that their religion is going to lead to eternal condemnation in the lake of fire. It is easier for the Church of England, for example, to accept transgender, homosexuality, and that God made more than male and female, instead of stand on the Word of God in faith. What do they hope to achieve in accepting such satanic lies as truth, and still claiming that they love God? God does not change.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day and for everHebrews 13:8

Instead, these people within these movements need to hear the message that God loves them. That lifestyle does not satisfy, it can never satisfy because it is contrary to the Word of God, but there is forgiveness of sins through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all sinners, was buried, and rose on the third day. There is only male and female. There is no other way to be. It is just confusion that is being taught to children today and parents need to protect their children’s minds.

The Meat Free Movement

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seered with a hot iron, Forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving; For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer1 Timothy 4:1-5

With the climate change lie comes this lie that animals are contributing to an increase in carbon emissions, when God gave us all foods to enjoy with thanksgiving. There is also a wide held belief that it is okay to live with someone without marrying, but this is the sin of fornication. Too many people are just going along with society’s beliefs as to what is right and wrong, instead of seeing what the Bible says. Some people may choose to eat vegan, but just make sure that you are getting a good variety of amino acids through various foods, and avoid soy as it can cause havoc with the hormonal system. 

My husband and I study God’s word online through various US pastors and we are no longer going to feel guilty about not attending a physical church, because we have tried. I need to pray more because I know God can open doors, and through prayer and fasting, Christian’s faith has definately grown over these past few years, and he has grown in boldness in sharing the gospel.

The UK is in apostacy. My husband and I cannot find a Bible believing church that is sound on the gospel and then encourages growth with God. The churches that we have attended are pentecostal, too much focus on feelings and experiences from the Holy Spirit, but it’s not what we feel that saves us, it’s what we believe. Yes, the Word of God can bring security, peace, joy, gratitude, healing, but it can also convict and reprove the believer, because it is a supernatural book. If we are not reading it, we are losing out on so much richness. I am also speaking to myself. I am robbing myself of the joy.

Using Discernment Against Evil

I have been called dangerous, and a conspiracy theorist, and these names do hurt, because I just don’t want people to be deceived by our leaders who have no care for people, who are certainly not stopping to spread the evil, as Government leaders should.

In the middle of 2020, I was called a goat by one Lord Stunnell for mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid. I put in links by ex-pfizer representative, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Sucharit Bhakti, and many others when I wrote to 651 British MPs and over 400 House of Lord members and today, we see only two MPs, Sir Christopher Chope and Andrew Bridgen putting questions and enquries to Parliament about the damage these covid vaccines are doing to people, and still yet these proud Government leaders are so blind to the truth and still label them ‘safe and effective’. All the media and Government who do not want to see the truth can call these people is anti-vax or conspiracy theorist. These are weak names, when the truth is that the Goverments of the world are conspiring againt the people, lying to achieve their aim of depopulation through various means – vaccines, miscarriage, stillbirth, cancer, heart issues, poor diets etc.

Will Social Justice Come

If we are to believe the Bible, then we know that verses like 2 Timothy 3:1-5 are becoming truer every day. Even with all the evil that is going on, some people still believe that there is going to be some sort of social justice that will bring down these leaders and non governmental agencies like Bill Gates, the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. Even though God is so merciful, longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but all to come to repentance, all to have a change of mind about Jesus Christ who is our Redeemer, but if we are still believing in ourselves that we have some inherent goodness that we can appeal to God, then the devil is still deceiving you into religion. The ultimate deceiver is the human heart in how it deceives us from seeing our need for Jesus as Saviour.

The only message that can bring godly change to this world is the gospel, and everyone needs Jesus. And yet, myself included, get deluded into believing that change will come. Change will only come when more and more people are saved by the grace of God through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our righteousness. No amount of works can save us. That is religion and there is plenty of religion about. It is the broad and wide gate that Jesus warns of in Matthew 7. The strait gate and the narrow way is Jesus Christ and only Him. Put your faith in Him, and not religion.

God’s Judgement is Coming

The elite are very wealthy, control the mainstream medias, and can censor any truth that gets in their way by labelling us whatever names they want, but let’s not forget who is the ultimate one behind their power – Satan. He is the current God of the world system. He offered the world to Jesus if he would just worship him, after all.

Let’s remind ourselves that we as believers are on the winning side. We have eternal life, we can never be lost, we have God on our side, we know the Bible is true and that that terrible time of the 7 year tribulation is just around the corner. I believe the wealthy elite want to bring forth their antichrist leader, as the evil is blatently everywhere, but it’s only going to happen in God’s timing.

We have not yet been snatched away before that terrible time. We know that evil times are here, so why do we need to keep feeding our minds with even more awareness of the evil, that the world is calling good, when prayer and walking in the Spirit is going to be the best thing we can do for our nation, and for God. Let’s leave the judgements up to God, because although He is longsuffering, that long suffering is not eternal long suffering.

When we feel frustrated because it looks like these elite are getting away with genocide, deception, lies, name calling, election fraud etc, let’s just give our cares and concerns up to God who knows everything. I remember Christian did this last week, when he gets so angry with the evil going on, and his prayer was so heartfelt and childlike, it was beautiful. When we pray, we are expressing our faith to God. We still have the flesh nature that wants to take over, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These traits are all supernatural because they are all of God and as Children of God, we can only grow to be Christlike when we are drinking in His Word and putting on the whole armour of God to defeat the devil and his armies.

There is a big difference between being awake or being saved by Jesus. Or you can be both. Being awake to the lies of this world can make us feel like we are making a change, but only the Gospel of Christ is going to make any lasting change and everyone needs Him. The world lies in sin and this virus called sin is only going to get worse and worse until Jesus Christ returns and sets up His Kingdom. And those who profess to believe in God, yet reject Jesus when His name is mentioned, which God do they serve? Just because someone professes to believe in God, does not mean it is the true God of the Bible.

As a born again believer, who has trusted Christ as saviour, I must share the gospel.

  1. Sin separates us from God (Genesis 3).
  2. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).
  3. To go to heaven, we must be perfect, and none of us are (Matthew 5:48).
  4. God loves us (John 3:16), but He hates our sin (Psalm 5:4).
  5. God came in the flesh as Jesus Christ (John 10:30), obeyed the law perfectly (Romans 5:19), and died that cruel death on the cross for the sins of every human being who will ever live on this earth (1 John 2:2).
  6. Jesus, who is God Almighty in the flesh, resurrected His body and ascended into Heaven offering his sacrifice for sin forever (Hebrews 10:12).
  7. The will of God is for us to believe on His son, Jesus Christ, who paid for all sin (John 6:40).
  8. Jesus’ shed blood gives us the remission of sin (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 10:18).
  9. Although God has died for all sin, God chooses to save only those who trust in His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ (John 6:47).

Do you believe that He paid for your sin debt? Will you trust Him today for eternal life? Contrary to popular belief by false teachers who teach that a believer can lose their salvation because of willful sin etc, this is incorrect. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance— Romans 11:29

Greek 278 ametamelétos: not repented of

Original Word: ἀμεταμέλητος, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: ametamelétos
Phonetic Spelling: (am-et-am-el’-ay-tos)
Definition: not repented of
Usage: not to be repented of, about which no change of mind can take place, not affected by a change of mind.

God bless.

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